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Male, 46 years, born on 6 December 1978

Moscow, willing to relocate (Novosibirsk, Cherkessk), not prepared for business trips

Business Development Manager

6 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 6 years 4 months

November 2005April 2008
2 years 6 months
AQUAMASTER, Moscow, Russia (www.aquamaster-group.ru) - Import and Distribution of Swimming Pool Products
Commercial Project Manager
FUNCTION: Project management on exclusive distribution of swimming pool chemicals and equipment of American chemical corporation ARCH WATER PRODUCTS in Russia RESPONSIBILITIES: - Integration of new project into current commercial activity of the company - Definition marketing and pricing policy - Extension of the dealer network - Negotiations with European and American suppliers of pool equipment - Providing of technical support, trainings and seminars for dealers and end users ACHIEVEMENTS: - Growth of sales for 400% in two years 2007/2005 - Over 100 dialers in Russia - Gain of about 65-70% of the market in 4 years
November 2003November 2005
2 years 1 month
DAURIA Group, Novosibirsk, Russia (www.dauria.ru) - Trading Company
Start-up Manager
FUNCTION: Start-up management on exclusive distribution of swimming pool chemicals and equipment of American chemical corporation ARCH WATER PRODUCTS in Russia RESPONSIBILITIES: Initial development of the project: marketing research, definition of promotion & pricing policy in competitive environment, creation of a dealer network, carrying out of training seminars for dealers etc. ACHIEVEMENTS: - Reaching of the break-even point of the project in 16 months; - In 2005 the brand hth became one of the three most popular brands in Russia for pool chemicals; - Entrance into an alliance on the project with one of the leading Russian distributors of pool equipment with further sale of the project.
April 2002December 2002
9 months
RENAULT GROUP, Paris, France (www.renault.com)
FUNCTION: Probation in Utility Vehicles Division (DVU) of Group RENAULT in Direction of Strategic of International Cooperation and Development RESPONSIBILITIES: - Creation of unified InfoBase on end users - Analysis of procedure of adaptation of the vehicle to consumer needs
September 2000September 2001
1 year 1 month
DIRIGABL PLUS, Novosibirsk, Russia - IT Company
FUNCTION: Direction of the company working on franchise contract on sales of specialized software "1C" for trading, warehousing, accounting and financial management. RESPONSIBILITIES: - Organization and development of commercial, production and consulting activity of the company - Staff recruiting; - Budgeting and financial control ACHIEVEMENTS: - Creation of Sales and Production Departments; - Increasing of sales by 80% and total revenues by 60%.

About me

Director of Representative Office, International Development Manager, Business Development Manager, Project Manager, Product Manager.

Higher education

Novosibirsk State University/
Department of Economics/Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Planning/, Master's degree
Novosibirsk State University/
Department of Economics/Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Planning/, Specialist



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

COPERNIC Programme (education (7 months) & probation (8 months) in France)/
French government/, Economics&Management

Tests, examinations

TOEIC® - Test of English for International Communication/
RENAULT GROUPE France/, 790 of 999

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter